Betta fish often mistreated in pet industry, evidence suggests

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WITH FLASHY COLORS, iridescent scales and long flowing fins such as prom dresses under water, betta fish are among the most fascinating creatures that you can see for sale in a pet store or flea market. They are also cheap: fish are sold for just $ 2 each. It may seem tempting to buy these little gems as eye-catching swim decorations.

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But living animals are not decorations, and some animal welfare advocates fear that Betta's reputation as an "easy" pet will be exaggerated. Critics claim that such popularity and misconceptions about their care and biology can make them one of the most abused fish in the pet trade.

A new campaign for people for the ethical treatment of animals (PETA) is intended to highlight the problems of selling and owning betta, so National Geographic will take a closer look.

How hard is it to hold a betta?
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There are no "easy" animals, but to be honest, betas are easier to care for than many other types of fish. Bettas require even less space than other fish and are more difficult. Like other fish of the same taxonomic suborder, they have a "labyrinth" organ, with which they can take a sip of air from the surface, so that they can survive in water with oxygen levels lower than other types of fish. Betta's also live in fresh water, which requires an aquarium environment that is easier to install and maintain than salt water.
The rumors about their ease of care are, however, exaggerated. Betas do not thrive in small pools in the wild - although during the dry season when currents dry up, some wild betas survive by jumping out of pools - and therefore prefer a reservoir of at least 2.5 liters. But the more the better. They will not live healthily or happily in the so-called "autonomous ecosystems" locked in a vase with nothing but a plant above to feed them: their natural food consists of insects and larvae, not roots. Betta's need filtration, hot water, enrichment such as plants and caves to explore, and regular feeding and cleaning of the tank. Many aquariums that you can easily buy, including this stuffed animal aquarium, are certainly not around the right size to make a fish happy. Without proper training, some fish owners will even keep animals in the tupperware-like containers that they enter.
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"We encourage anyone who owns or cares for animals to constantly monitor their living conditions," four professional organizations - the Joint Advisory Council for the Pet Industry, the European Pet Association, the Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association and Ornamental Fish International - wrote that sent a joint statement to National Geographic by e-mail.

What can make your pet unsatisfied?
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In 2017, research at the University of Ghent in Belgium identified a number of common problems between the welfare of betta fish. They wrote that betta's can be stressed by sharing an aquarium with fish they see as rivals, especially if they are limited and unable to escape, or by seeing them in other nearby aquariums. Too small tanks, lack of environmental enrichment and mycobacterial infections also affect the quality of life of many betas.
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Christel Moons, one of the authors of the document, explained that it is particularly important to set up an aquarium in which the betta is in the company of the fish with which it agrees, and also has the option of avoiding them . "You want to look at the compatibility of the species and you also want to make sure that it can hide," said Moons. "That said, it's the same for all fish."
Discover how betta's are judged at a competition in Singapore. The fish are also called Siamese fighting fish because the males become aggressive in the presence of other males and the fins flutter wide. Long-term exposure causes stress, which can affect their health.
And yes, that can be the fish


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