What's Causing My Puppy's Upset Stomach?

Because a puppy is, well, a puppy - his immune system is still developing and he chews and swallows all kinds of things - it is easy to upset the stomach. Don't let it hurt you either.
Whats Causing Puppy's Belly Ache

A puppy is a chew and swallow machine
Puppies are bored, just like people ,. And when they get bored, they get into things: chewing and swallowing rope, stones, twigs, toys, etc.

Ingestion can cause stomach blockage and internal damage.

Note these symptoms: blood in the urine or poop, vomiting, inability to urinate or defecate, low energy and even weight loss.

NOTE: When you see these symptoms and especially if these symptoms seem to get worse, it is always a good idea to talk to your veterinarian.

Another note: keep dangerous items, such as drugs, in a safe place.

And if the puppy is bored, make sure he trains a lot. Good for you and puppy. Discover the different types of games to play with your puppy.

NO, PUPPY! Chocolate, onions, sweet snacks, raisins, chewing gum
There are different types of food that can cause stomach problems for a puppy. Even worse, they can potentially be life threatening.

Keep the puppy away from chocolate, onions, sweet snacks, raisins and chewing gum. Do a little research and find out what other foods should keep away from your furry friend.

NOTE: Keep medicines and household cleaners in a place where your puppy cannot. If you suspect the puppy has entered such objects, CALL IMMEDIATELY.

The disease can cause a restless belly
The puppy's immune system is still being treated. It is developing.

So it's a good idea to keep your friend away from places and situations where infections can easily spread, such as parks or dog parks, or make appointments with unvaccinated dogs, until what the puppy starts receiving his vaccines, including anger and the first few dog diseases.

Now the disease is sometimes serious. Here are some IMPORTANT symptoms to look at that go beyond a simple abdominal pain: dehydration, low energy, confusion and, most importantly, a drastic change in weight. If for any reason you think your puppy has a serious illness, it is best to contact your veterinarian.

Slow down, puppy, eat too fast
A common cause of a puppy's stomach upset is ... he eats too quickly. Shortly after a meal you can hear a stomach rumbling or notice gas and vomiting.

Try to give him smaller portions during the day instead of larger ones. Click here for more instructions on feeding puppies.

The most serious symptoms of all
It is a good idea to call the vet if you notice that the puppy is vomiting or has diarrhea. These common symptoms of stomach pain should not be ignored. But they are generally not serious. The vet can recommend a home remedy.

However, there are more SERIOUS SYMPTOMS that you should look for. If you see any of these symptoms, DON'T WAIT, IMMEDIATELY TAKE YOUR PUPPY TO AN ANIMAL HOSPITAL OR TO YOUR VETERINARIAN:


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